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Author: Gregg Garrett

Social Media is Just the First Step

Earlier this year we agreed to write a standing column in Connected World Magazine dedicated to exploring how the emerging connected world is beginning to demand the attention of the C-level executives in established companies. For any of you that have been following our posts here, you know we are convinced that we are the […]

Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Today Verizon announced it is purchasing Hughes Telematics for $612 Million in cash (approx premium of 176% over original share price). (Read more here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-01/verizon-to-acquire-hughes-telematics-for-612-million-in-cash.html) The telco market is clearly starting to signal that they want to be more than a “dumb pipe” in the “connected world”. With Sprint’s offerings they are beginning to take […]

Mr. CIO meet Ms. CMO

Last week Deloitte announced it will be combining its “online” and its “digital” groups in May, “to challenge both the major systems integrators and digital media agencies to develop and deploy online, social, mobile and content solutions for clients” (as reported by itwire.com). This is on the heel of a Accenture making it known that […]

Relaunching CGSAdvisors.com …and the firm

Ex cineribus resurgam!    Ok, perhaps that is a little overstated as I don’t think I ever felt as I was in the ashes, but I am feeling like I am rising! None the less, we are relaunching CGS to assist corporations, institutions, and other complex organizations innovate and grow.  After 6 years serving as “SVP of Business […]