Fighting Fatherlessness (EP13)

During this episode, we discuss one of the most important and impactful leadership roles that exists – the father/child relationship. This week’s guest, Justin Batt, is an expert in the father/child relationship and has spent more than 13,000 hours researching and living the role. He is the author of the bestselling book Daddy Saturday and he speaks about the critical epidemic of fatherlessness – both in the physical and emotional sense due to work or digital distractions. Justin shares his easy hacks to get your time back and blend leadership inside and outside the home. This is not dad-shaming. This is about bringing the discipline of business into all aspects of your life. And no matter if you are a dad, a child, a spouse to a father, or yet to be a parent, you have to hear what Justin has to say.
AbouT Justin Batt
Justin Batt is one of the fortunate people who found the collision of their calling and passion in life. He is passionate about disrupting fatherhood by encouraging and equipping fathers to be intentional parents who raise good kids that become great adults. Justin is a healthcare innovator and works in the B2B sector with the largest biopharmaceutical and life science companies in the world. Justin is a prolific entrepreneur with several startups across technology, retail and real estate. He is an author, international and TEDx speaker, host of multiple podcasts and OCR athlete.
Justin Batt aims to disrupt fatherhood with intentionality, by creating intentional fathers who raise good kids who become great adults. He founded Daddy Saturday in his own backyard with his four children, and it’s grown into a national movement engaging fathers across multiple channels, including YouTube, social media, the Daddy Saturday book, an Alexa skill, a podcast, merchandise, live events, and a 501(c)(3) foundation, through which Justin plans to impact 10 million fathers in the next 10 years.
In addition, Justin is a highly sought after healthcare consultant and a successful serial entrepreneur, as well as a TEDx and international public speaker, a multi-published author, and a regular guest on multiple podcasts. When not at work, Justin can be found helping his wife, Heather, run her bridal enterprise, and spending time with his four children and the family’s Bernedoodle, Weekend.
Show Highlights
Segment 1: Introduction & Forming of a Brand
2:19 Justin’s diverse background: from c-level positions to published author.
4:05 “I was trying to eliminate the tension between work and home and quickly realized I couldn’t eliminate it so I had to manage it.” (YouTube)
6:02 Creating the business of Daddy Saturday. (Daddy Saturday Website. Daddy Saturday Book. Malcolm Gladwell.)
Segment 2: Brave Leadership & the “Top Three”
9:48 Justin’s “Top Three” Digital Mentor: Dave Ramsey – How to become financially independent.
10:25 Justin’s “Top Three” Digital Mentor: Andy Stanley – Provided a life guide.
11:04 Justin’s “Top Three” Digital Mentor: Andy Andrews – How to approach life and parenting.
11:35 Justin’s “Top Three” Direct Mentor: Dr. Clay Lowder – Physical and emotional presence.
16:50 The two-pronged epidemic of fatherlessness: physical fatherlessness and emotional fatherlessness.
21:21 Two ‘simple’ ideas to create change: 1) Pause and release the tension, and 2) Have one calendar.
Part 3: Industry Disruption
28:09 Society is being lulled into passivity of fatherhood via the misnomer that the only calling for fathers is work.
31:50 The three stages of parenthood and the importance of tailoring the approach to each child.
39:50 How technology can be used to enhance the father/child relationship. (Alexa Skill. Weekend the Bernedoodle. BitsBox.)
Part 4: The Impact of the Business World
44:21 Disrupting the epidemic of fatherlessness won’t just come from changes to corporate policies. It requires a culture shift.
47:58 We need to do more of what we do at work at home – and vice versa.
53:17 The importance of becoming comfortable being uncomfortable.
Part 6: Wrapping up
54:14 Engage with Justin and Daddy Saturday! (Website. Foundation. Book.)
Additional Information
Contact Justin Batt:
- Justin’s LinkedIn
- Justin’s Twitter: @JustinBatt
- Daddy Saturday’s Instagram: @DaddySaturday
- Daddy Saturday’s Twitter: @DaddySaturdays
Contact Gregg:
Contact CGS Advisors: