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CGS Leaders Publish New Book: “Competing in the Connecting World”

CGS Advisors, LLC has been focused on helping leaders transform their departments and firms to compete as their industries are disrupted.  The emergence of the Connected World has been the single greatest catalyst for the majority of CGS’ engagements.   For the last seven years, CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett and CGS Fellow, Warren Ritchie have not only advised in the boardroom but also taught in the classroom through several MBA programs that focused on preparing future leaders for IoT and digitally driven businesses.  Gregg and Warren now present their experience, antidotes, and advice to corporate leaders in Competing in the Connecting World: The Future of Your Industry is Already Here.  They offer CGS’ proven framework and approach to assist leaders understand, prepare, and bravely transform their firms to thrive in this new digital era.

The rapid convergence of computing and telecommunications technologies into products, better known as the Internet of Things, coupled with strong human behavioral change has created the emergence of a technological discontinuity which is disrupting all industries as we know them.  Information once “trapped” in products is being unleashed, creating a flow of Product in Use Data that is becoming the basis of new services, new business models, and new ecosystems leading to the substitution of traditional product and service companies and the total disruption of industries.  During this merging of industrial and digital economics, the internal capabilities that organizations have leveraged for years will become insufficient for future competition. Leaders who fail to transform their firms by acquiring the necessary new capabilities will not survive.

Despite the impending disruption, there are defined strategies that greatly enhance an existing firm’s chance of survival. The rapid execution of the “first mile” of a firm’s transformation is crucial to competing successfully.  It is this “first mile” on which CGS Advisors has always focused.  It is in this first mile where the odds of winning the long race are increased.  Our firm has always enjoyed working with leaders to accelerate through the “first mile”.  The entire CGS team is dedicated to bringing the contents of this book to life for our clients.

Gregg Garrett and Warren Ritchie have spent their careers strategically transforming organizations.  Their unique perspective has been shaped on a global stage as C-level executive leaders with Fortune 500 product and services companies, as strategic business consultants with large and small firms, and as researches who educate in and beyond the classroom. Their mutual perspective has been honed while working and teaching together for over 15 years, reaching well beyond theory which has enabled them to describe with unique clarity the implications corporate leaders must consider to guide their firms to compete in the Connected World.

Get your copy now.   https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DY89CBC?pf_rd_p=d1f45e03-8b73-4c9a-9beb-4819111bef9a&pf_rd_r=6CYYASCNSV0BT1YSQENT