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Real Time Satisfaction – In the Strangest Places

CGS was recently engaged by a European client to advise on the effect of the Connected World on customer experience. Even with today’s proliferation of connected people, things and services, it’s often a bit of a stretch for traditional retailers to believe that the Connected World is transformational RIGHT NOW.

I don’t think you can get much more ubiquitous than the Connected Public Toilets in Geneva’s airport.

Point-of-use feedback can certainly improve efficiency. Rather than wait until a problem is discovered during regular rounds (or worse, after customer complaints), exceptions surface immediately and can be fixed.

More importantly, though, point-of-experience changes the nature of customer feedback. Based on my own experience, service employees naturally receive lots more negative feedback than positive, whether in-person or through after-experience surveys – one is expected to do a job well and few customers will take the time to seek out a destination for meaningful praise.

The “Feedback Now” box removes social and other barriers and makes feedback no harder than a click. A brave manager can use this to change the service delivery mindset, from avoiding complaints to seeking satisfaction. A really brave manager can use this constant insight to empower staff to own a customer experience and be proud of his or her work; there is meaning even in something as mundane as a cleaning a public toilet.

