CGS Advisors holds intern position in the summer months and for student attend college courses during the academic calendar year.
Take a minute to meet our past interns

Adam Ritchie, Intern
Adam is 19 years old, and grew up in Rochester, Michigan. He is a junior at Michigan State University in the Undergraduate Accounting Program. “I have aspirations to complete my undergraduate, gain acceptance into the Masters of Accounting program at Michigan State for a fifth year of studies, and eventually sit for the CPA exam and complete it successfully. I consider myself to be very focused, motivated, and driven in all aspects of my life and I look forward to what is in store for me in my future”, says Adam.
Interests: I have interests in the accounting field and what accounting practices or actions different businesses take for financial or managerial reasons. I also have interests in seeing how different areas/aspects of companies work amongst each other internally to create the most fluid and successful business overall. I have played hockey my entire life and still continue to do so and am a big MSU sports fan.
Accomplishments & Favorite Part of the Job: Dean’s List at MSU all four semesters. My favorite part of working at CGS is that I can be hands on with every single aspect of the company.
Why I Joined CGS: I joined CGS to be a part of a growing business and see what it takes to accomplish it. I also felt that I would be able to get a bigger role as an intern at CGS than I would elsewhere. So far there is nothing but evidence that supports that claim.
Personal Quote: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Spencer Whitehead, Intern
Spencer is currently a sophomore at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he studies a dual degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. He has experience with programming in python and C++. “With C++, I explored the different data types available for use and learned how the computer deals with the data types in it’s memory”, says Spencer. Also, he has experience with differential equations and multi-variable calculus.
Interests: Hockey, lacrosse, computer programming, management, and calculus.
Accomplishments & Favorite Part of the Job: Dean’s List at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for two semesters, The best part of the job, for me, is how much I learn about the business world, and it’s functions, everyday.
Why I Joined CGS: I joined CGS because it was a great opportunity and the people are fun to work with. Also, it has allowed me to gain extremely valuable experience in the business world.
Personal Quote: “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.” -Galileo Galilei